Terms and Conditions

Lantern Club’s website www.lanternclub.com.au is owned and operated by Mingara Recreation Club Ltd ABN 81 001662 648, trading as Lantern Club.

The Terms and Conditions of www.lanternclub.com.au govern access and use of this website. By using www.lanternclub.com.au, you agree and comply with the Terms and Conditions as set out in this document.

Lantern Club may change the Terms at any time. You will be notified of these changes in this document. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, please leave www.lanternclub.com.au.

Whilst we endeavour to keep all information available on this website current and up-to-date, there may be, from time to time, incorrect or out of date information, for any queries relating to the information provided on www.lanternclub.com.au, please contact the Club on 02 8037 8200 or via email to enquiries@lanternclub.com.au.

Throughout these Terms and Conditions, where the website is referred to as www.springwoodsports.com.au it is expressed that this includes all pages contained within the domain name.


All intellectual property rights including text, media and other digital assets found on this website are owned by Lantern Club and are protected by intellectual property rights and laws.

You may not reproduce, transmit, adapt, distribute, sell, modify, publish or use any of the material on www.lanternclub.com.au without the Club’s prior written consent.


Lantern Club will not be held responsible for information supplied on www.lanternclub.com.au by third party services. If you engage in third party services on this site, your legal relationship will be with the third party and not Lantern Club.


Lantern Club assumes no liability for any separate website you might happen to access from www.lanternclub.com.au.

Lantern Club does not make any guarantees that this website will be available in any place, free of faults or error, free from unauthorised interception or access, or free from blockages, delays, network failure, congestion, interferences or faults of any kind.

Lantern Club takes no responsibility for misinformation displayed on our website that may result in any damages, claims, liabilities, costs or expenses that may result from content displayed on www.lanternclub.com.au.

By use of www.lanternclub.com.au you are agreeing to:

  • Only use www.lanternclub.com.au in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
  • Comply with all applicable laws regarding your use of this Website.
  • Not copy or redistribute any part of this website without prior consent from the Club

Information and services provided by www.lanternclub.com.au may change from time to time without any written notice.


www.lanternclub.com.au does not endorse the content of any third party websites that are not maintained by Mingara Recreation Club Ltd which may be linked via Lantern Club’s website. These links are provided for convenience and relevant content.


Any legal incidents arising out of the use of this Website will be governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia and by using this Website you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of that State.

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